Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Adrenal Glands Role in Hormone Balance & New Beginnings

I've never written about this nor really mentioned it in any of my past blogs.
Adrenal glad.
I'm sure somewhere I'd mentioned my liver toxins my kidney infection all due to the medication in the attempt to have my biological baby. But never have I mentioned adrenal glad, and it's role in fertility.
I guess healthy mind equals healthy body. And I'm happy to say, this is where I'm at now.
Please remember that I'm in no way a doctor a Naturopath  or have any professional opinions other that my own research and my own personal experience.

Ok, so this is your biology lesson for the day. The Adenal gland is sung ontop of each kidney, they are there to produce certain hormones for us, mainly the production of cortisol & aldosterone, and they also produce estrogen & progesterone. So they're kind of a Big deal regardless of their size, cause they're kind of small.
If you find yourself stressed ( as you do on this fertility/ surrogacy journey) tired, and no energy what  your Adrenals will do is work on pumping certain hormones wanting to help balance you. But, being stress & tired most times leads to a quick meal and most times without you you realizing your quick meal lacks vitamins. Poor food assists in adrenal deficiency. You see your adrenals will work extra hard when needed but, your body's reserves may become depleted, which in hand affects the immune system.

Knowing that I wasn't able to have my own biological child was bitter sweet. That feeling was like a stab in my heart.. But knowing that my body can now start to heal was a relief. Then feeling that relief came the guilt for feeling the relief. Yeah.....Bloody, Damn circle of fire.
Susan Walling my friend and Kinesiolgist has kept me balanced and let's say "stable" On this end.
But then there are things you just need to take controll of.
As long as I've know about my Adrenal Gland I been doing pilates, and keeping "hard" training at a distance.
I've always gone to the gym, and always kept a light flow of excerise in my life so not to weaken my adrenal gland. But believe me, NOT one Doctor mentioned "adrenal gland" and it's role in my fertility.
It was first brought to my attention by my Chinese herbalist ( yes I went down that road too ) the one thing that she said that has forever stuck in my mind is " doctors will keep trying to get you pregnant without really looking at the cause of WHY you can't get pregnant" she spent a months on the "why" and this is where most of my knowledge has come from. NOT from any Doctor..
Some professionals will tell you to excerise others will tell you not too. But if you have major adrenal deficiency chances are getting out of bed will be pretty hard.
Now while I was on the wonderful (said with sarcasm) egg stimulant drugs for ivf, the doctors here in Australia said it was ok to excerise. However when I was in India for egg stimulation it was suggested NO excerise. Ugh!

Personally,  Just remember that exercise   is a necessary part of good health, but when done excessively it can make the situation worse by causing the adrenals to pump out more hormones than is needed. So don't go train for a triathlon but find a balance. Pilates has worked for me and is wonderful. It's low impact, with great strengthening exercise.

Now I'm not some well balanced meditating exercise health fanatic. Believe me. But, 
I'm a massive believer in new beginnings. And every morning is a fresh morning a
new day where I can make new beginnings.
That's the beauty of life, we get to hit the refresh button every 24 hours.
Trust me, I crash and burn. Often. But I now have the tools to get myself back up.
And it's taken me a very long time to appreciate each new day and it's new offerings.
I use to look to others for support, mainly because I was tired of all the crap, and just wanted someone else to fix it for me, take away all that emotional hormonal mental physical pain.
I leaned on my husband a lot. My mum & some friends did amazing things for me. Even the tough loving ones helped me. Although it didn't feel that way at the time.
But I knew deep down what I had to do.
This smash in the face with a baseball bat, emotional roller coaster ride has given me my life lesson.
I have gained my personal power back. Not that anyone took it away from me.
I just gave it away.
I have with some sorrow distanced myself from situations and people so that I can become a new strong healthier version of me.
I'm still not ready to make certain leaps. I know this cause Im clear enough to recognizes the signs in me.
I however have a new strength that I can't help but smile about.
I've spent A LOT of months detoxing for the "experimental" drugs given to me while I was trying to have my own biological baby.
-side note - [ Let me clarify MY interpretation of "experimental" drugs.  1. There are new drugs on the market all the time. 2. No one knows how a drug will affect you. Everyone's different, everyone's body is different, everyone's fertility issues are different. Hell 2 people can look at the exact same sunset and  experience something completely different.]
Detoxing for me isn't just  food or ivf drug related it's chemical, physical and mental.
And for many many months all 3 of these thing were completely taken over by Aliens, so to speak.
I started weight training, I eat a diet that we all know as Clean eating, introducing raw juice and super foods into my every day food intake. Cutting out sugar for weeks at a time, and when I did introduced it again found myself sick and on the loo [ gross I know, sorry.]
I can't stress how important exercise and a healthy diet is.
I decided to rid the toxins from my Kidneys and liver and replenish my Adrenal naturally.
I didnt want to do that by popping another pill. Infact  I don't  want to every pop another pill again. So other than the odd Panadols for a headache that's exactly what Im doing.
I'm now using food to help my life balance.  And the best natural ingredient I've found for adrenal healing is licorice. Weather it be in a form of tea or the actual root. It balance adrenal hormones and let me tell you....I'm feeling wonderful.
- note - don't eat a whole pack of licorice thinking it will help, and don't cheat and buy the chocolate coated ones. [ even though they are so yummy! ]

I Wish  you all a Happy New Year. May each day bring you new Beginning with memorable moments. And as we  Greeks say - πάντα Με υγια και χαρά.
Translated - Always with health and happiness.


  1. A very interesting post. Thank you! I agree nutrition and exercise are so important and I will try and add a little licorice to my life. Wishing you great health and happiness!

    1. thanks lucylu. also add chia seed to your food. its amazing superfood, and all you need is a tea spoon a day. :)

  2. Thank you for this post. I especially like your discussion of how we can often give away our power in a situation and how important it is for us to reclaim it,

  3. the consistent feeling of failure,sadness,guilt,health issues, and struggle i looked desperately to the wrong places for support. giving away my personal power. i needed to crash, hit rock bottom to realize that i needed to stand up for myself and make conscious positive choices for myself and developed the "go with the flow" attitude. like i said the crappiness still sneaks in, but i wont let it stick around long
