Early September 2012 after watching a 60min program about a couple that has been waiting for 5yrs
for the "OK" to collect their adopted child, i was discussed with the amount of BullSh*T red tape.
I took to twitter to hashtag #60mins and just let off a little steam. At that very same moment i received a tweet from a customer of mine who follows me on twitter, saying adoption unfortunately is not the best way to get a child.... Immediately we went off the public page and were Direct messaging.
She told me she has just returned from India, where she used a Surrogate.
SURROGATE!! this was brilliant! we spent hours on the phone the next day, she cave me all her contact details to the clinic she used, and even some others she looked into.
I called my husband who was still overseas dealing with a family issue, told him everything about surrogacy and without thinking twice we were both excited and on board with the whole idea.
Try googling Indian Surrogacy Centre. It.Will. Blow.Your.Mind.com! soooo many to choose from so just like anything good, i went with those recommended to me.
I researched 3 surrogacy clinic's in India including SCI the clinic my customer,( now a very good friend, who i will refer to as SAM,) used. And 3 clinic's in America. however the American research was short lived.The price tag attached to a Surrogacy was way, way, way, waaaaaaaaay, out of our reach.
And Thailand wasn't even on the cards, mainly because, the surrogate who gave birth to your child was listed as the birth mother and the process for you to obtain a visa for your child would mean you had to "Adopt" your own child.
Within 2 day i received emails from the clinics in India. All gave a very detailed information right of the bat. But because i had someone with inside information from Sam, i was able to ask and look for things most may not.
The list. After reading the information sent
1 - After the baby is born, who's name is on the birth certificate.
2 - Once the surrogate has given birth, who takes care of the paper work. Are we meant to run all over India?.
3 - The success rate of the clinic
4 - Price and all the additions (cause we know there's always extras)
5 - the surrogates, who picks them. How well are they looked after.
6 - the hospital visits for surrogate.
7 - media coverage of the clinic and the doctor.
SCI, came back with the most professional answers, and my gut told me this was the clinic for us.
Questions about the doctor that was very important were answered in the information sent.
Dr Shivani. She together with her Husband own SCI. She is the only fertility Doctor, and
You have no idea how this right from the start sounded perfect to me.
So......the Surrogacy journey had began.
The next step was what type of cycle to choose. Because my husband was still overseas
and i was on a roll now, blood was pumping and excitement and hope was in my heart again.
We had frozen embryos from my last ivf cycle, we decided to send some of them to India.
Now....how is that done???
Shipping of course.
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